The establishment/ Ilaco of ILACO has started in
1955, with the activities of the Dutch mother company
Heidemij. The active subsidiary company in Suriname, Lareco
(1958), and later also ILACO BV (1966), have carried out
numerous large projects in the agriculture, rural
development and infrastructure. These Dutch subsidiary
companies have been stopped exist and since 1966 the
Surinamese component of ILACO BV has been converted into
ILACO Suriname N.V. which continued and expanded the
activities of the parent company.
Some major projects that in the past have been realized by
ILACO Suriname N.V.:
- Middle rice polder Nickerie
- Southern East- West Connection ( Road and bridge constructions)
- Multipurpose Corantijn Project ( Infrastructure canals and road constructions)
- Drainage Lelydorp III Mine Billiton
- Supervision of construction Public houses Project Sunny Point