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ILACO Suriname has started operations in Suriname since 1960 (registered in 1966) and is one of the oldest consultancy and engineering firms in Suriname. ILACO is active in a wide range of studies, planning of development projects, technical assistance, engineering, designs, preparing tender documents and construction supervision. The Clients are both from the Private Sector as well as the Government and International Agencies like Inter American Development Bank, European Commission and the Netherlands Development Cooperation.

ILACO can make use of experts, specific services and technical support through an international network of highly reputed consultants, with expertise water treatment, roads, regional planning, environmental impact studies, physical planning, agricultural development, feasibility studies, management consultancy, institutional strengthening and many more.

ILACO is one of the oldest members of the Association of Consulting Engineers in Suriname (ORIS, Orde van Raadgevende Ingenieurs in Suriname).

ILACO has 22 staff members, including senior staff with ample experience in studies, designs, project management, supervision, survey and drafting. In addition, ILACO employs several affiliated senior specialists, each with ample experience in their field of work. Several permanent and affiliated specialists have extensive international experience.