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Year Project Client / Funding Agency
2019-ongoing Suriname River Dredging-Water and Sediment Quality  Testing SRK
2019-ongoing Sampling en analyse station Leysweg GOW2
2019-ongoing Sampling 4 monitoring Wells Station Raghoenath GOW2
2018 Environmental Baseline Assesment of the Suriname Shorebase Facilities RAMPS Logistics
2018 Verbetering van sanitatie en watervoorziening te Kampong Sawa te Marienburg Adek University - Infra HUB
2018 Monstername en analyse bodemsediment kanaal rehabilitatie Ministery of Public Works
2018 Review ESIA Calcutta-North Appraisal Drilling Project State Oil Company Suriname
2018 Dredging at Argos Suriname Jetty, River Sediment Sampling State Oil Company Suriname
2018 Bodem en water bemonstering SOL depots SOL Suriname
2018 Gow2 Spill Cleanup Jarikaba GOW2
2018 Waterkwaliteitsbemonstering Staatsolie Sarah-Maria State Oil Company Suriname
2018 ESIA for the Rehabilitation and Operation of Historical Buildings in the inner city of Paramaribo PURP (SGES)
2018-ongoing ESIA for  Parliament Building PURP (SGES)
2018-ongoing ESIA of the uitkijk ADP 2018 ADP
2018 ESIA for the Staatsolie Waste management Saramacca State Oil Company Suriname
2018-ongoing US Embassy Surv.& US Embassy Paramaribo
2018-ongoing ESIA rapport Kuldipsing Port FacilIty Kuldipsing NV
2018-ongoing Rehabilitatie van de Wegstrekking Jenny-Henar in de districten Coronie en Nickerie  Ministry of Public Works
2018-2019 River Sediment Sampling-Dredging Nieuwe Haven Paramaribo Quay ACE Consultancy
2017 Ananta Schaderapport Ananta Agro
2017 Engineering Services for construction supervision water supply project Bahamas ACO JV (Bahamas) ltd
2017 New Mont LLC New Mont LLC
2017 Soil,Noise and Biodiversity bas. New Mont LLC
2017 Newmont Sabajo Small Scale Mining baseline & Cultural Resources Survey New Mont LLC
2017 Consultancy Services for Update of Source Vulnerability Assessment and Water Source Protection Plan Fernandes Bottling
2017 Plaatsen van grondwaterbuizen en bemonsteren grondwater GO2 J. israelstr GOW2
2017 IAM GOLD East Tailings Road pit environmental baseline assessment IAM Gold Rosebel Goldmines
2017 UNIDO-Consulting Services for the Design and Assessment of the BAT-BEP Demonstration Project in Paramaribo, Suriname UNIDO
2017 Consultancy Services for Supervision of 7 Health Care Facilities for the Regional Health Care Department Ministry of Health/ IsDB funded
2017 Environmental Baseline Studies IAMGOLD Saramacca Concession IAM Gold Rosebel Goldmines
2017 Waterhuishouding Buru en Wayambo Zwamp STAATSOLIE State Oil Company Suriname
2017 Suriname Adaptation Measures Study - IDB IDB
2017 Ontwikkelen van een Noise Map Fabriekshal Varossieau Varrossieau
2017 Mobility Survey for IDOM in Paramaribo Center. IDOM
2016 - ongoing Dutch Quarter sewerage project st. Maarten Government of St Maarten/ EU Funded
2016 Geluidsmeting Automotive Art Automotive Art
2016 Noise measurements Wanica Medical Center Surgrema Consultancy NV
2016 Consultancy Services for Review of the Road Authority CARDNO IT Transport (UK)/ IDB funded
2016 Sampling rivierwater Amazone Resources Amazone Resources
2016- ongoing Baseline studie Wilhelminastraat en highway
Baseline Milieutechnisch Onderzoek SOL Welgelegen
Baseline Milieutechnisch Onderzoek SOL Indira Gandhi
Baseline Milieutechnisch Onderzoek SOL Maagdenstraat
Soil Quality Asessment SOL Landfarm Suhoza Depot
2016 ARGOS settler and grease trap design ARGOS
2016-ongoing Waterschap Wasima
Waterschap Paradise – Longmay
Ministery of Agriculture, Husbandry and Fishery
2016 Staatsolie Soil Quality Sampling and Assessment Domburg en Boma Site State Oil Company Suriname
2016 Staatsolie HSEQ Supervision on excavation and transport polluted sand Boma Site State Oil Company Suriname
2016 Environmental Assessment Staatsolie Jetty Maintenance Dredging State Oil Company Suriname
2016 Water Quality Baseline and Monitoring at the Balkenvijver and Saramacca Canal Suriname  
2016 Sampling Suriname river Sediments at Staatsolie Jetty State Oil Company Suriname
2016 Milieukundig Bodemonderzoek EBS Livorno Energie Bedrijven Suriname 
2016 Luchtvaartplan ter bevordering van economische ontwikkeling en toerisme (actieplan) Ministery of Transport, Communication and Tourism
2015- ongoing  Hydrogeological assessment of teh coastal aquifers in Suriname SWM
2015-ongoing  Survey and replacement of monitoring Wells for SOL SOL
2015  Drainage Residence American Embassy Mr. Currie
2015-ongoing  Construction Supervision Port Development St. Eustatius Gov. St Eustatius
2015 Baseline study Energy Demand and Forecast Assessment (SFOB) SFOB
2015  Noise measurements proposed Heliports Gummels SUGREMA
2015  Watermanagement plan Ananta Agro NV, Marienburg Commewije Ananta Agro NV/NOB
2015  Haul road maintenance plan IAM Gold Rosebel Goldmines Rosebel Goldmines
2015 - ongoing  Rehabilitation pumping station Wageningen (Nickerie) Ministry Agriculture, Fishery
2014  Survey river crossings Sara Maria-Josikreek (Saramacca) Geosurvey/State Oil Company
2014-ongoing  Preliminary ESIA HV-Transmission Line (Wageningen, Nickerie) NEC/State Oil Company
2014 Supervision on re-construction of road crossings Hi Telcom
2014 Topographical survey Ornamibo NEC
2014  Technical Advice for the Community Relations Department SOC: Short term infrastructure improvements Gangaram Pandayweg, Fase 1 State Oil Company Suriname (SOC)
2014  Technical Advice for the Community Relations Department SOC: Topographical survey and cost estimates (evaluate infrastructure investements) Morgenster, Saramacca State Oil Company Suriname
2014- ongoing  Watersampling/monitoring Saramacca-Nickerie (Wageningen) NEC
2014 Topographical survey and inventarisation Oost-West main road, district Coronie NEC
2014- ongoing  Consultancy services for Supervision of works and NRW Program, Water Supply Infrastructure Rehabilitation SWM/IDB
2013 Oeverbescherming Paradise, Nickerie Min. OW
2013 Oeverbescherming Markt Nieuw Nickerie Min. OW
2013 Oeverbescherming Marktplaats Domburg, Wanica Min. OW
2013 Oeverbescherming Waterkant, SMS Pier-Knuffelsgracht Min. OW
2013 Technische adviezen tbv Community Relations Staatsolie
2013 Herstel dambreuk Mon Souci, Commewijne Staatsolie
2013 Definitief Ontwerp en Bestek uitbreiding capaciteit SWM Pompstation van Hattemweg i/h district Para SWM
2013 Engineering services for Fishery Project Tullow Oil
2013 Peat Layer Survey at the sugarcane to ethanol project site Wageningen, Nickerie State oil Company
2013 Studie verbetering Ontwatering Gangaram Pandayweg Staatsolie
2013 Construction of a new Parking Lot at the IDB Country Office IDB
2013 Design of the river protection along the BEM terrain EBS N.V
2013 Expansion of the capacity of the Van Hattemweg Pumping Station, Para SWM
2012 Survey and Testing of Sand for Wageningen (Sugarcane to Ethanol Project) State Oil Company Suriname
2012 Marking Land Boundaries of the State Oil Company Suriname N.V property in Wageningen- Nickerie State Oil Company Suriname
2012 Formulating guidelines for advertisement Min. OW
2012 Rehabilitation of the drinking water pumping station Uitkijk, Nickerie Min. NH
2012 Rehabilitation of the drinking water pumping station Groot Henar (DESIGN) Min. NH
2012 Supervision Rehabilitation of the drinking water pumping station Groot Henar Min. NH
2012 Construction of the new drinking water facility Kapasikele, Nieuw Lombe and Moedjoekreek (DESIGN)

Construction and supervision of the new drinking water facility Kapasikele, Nieuw Lombe and Moedjoekreek

Min. NH
2012 Research of the Sir Winston Churchill road for rehabilitation works, between State Oil Company Suriname Refinery and Paracreek Wegen autoriteit
2012 Community watersupply system Lebi Doti-Baaku. Assistentie Nassau Project Suparna Gold/Orion
2012 Consultancy services for source vulnerability assessment and water source protection plans Coca Cola Botlling Company, Fernandes
2011-ongoing Material testing CDIG Moengo-Albina road  Dalian
2011-ongoing Managementplan for the implementation of drinkingwatersystems for the interland FOB
2011-ongoing Supervision for the rehabilitation of asphalt roads, regarding construction of distribution pipelines for drinkingwater by SWM and Ministry of Natural Resources SWM/Ministry of NH


2011- ongoing Rehabilitation historical embankment Waterkant, Paramaribo Ministry of PW
2011-2012 Soil and Topographic Survey Wageningen for State Oil Bio Fuel State Oil Company
2011 Hydrological Study NKK- Rosebel Goldmines site Rosebel Goldmines
2010-ongoing Construction supervision Drainage system Limesgracht (Paramaribo) Ministry of PW
2010-ongoing IaDB Project: Decentralisation and Local Government Strenghtening Program II (DLGPII): Training in supervising, preparation in execution of drainage and road projects and training and coaching of the new districts in management tools Ministry RO/IaDB
2010-2011 Suriname Water Supply Masterplan SWM/IaDB
2010-2011 Design Process/Flow rehabilitation 4 drinkingwater pumpingstations SWM
2010 Masterplan Irrigation and Drainage Nickerie (OWMCP) OWMCP/EU
2009-ongoing Technical Assistance Institutional Strengthening of the Transport Sector Ministry FIN/Ministry of PW/EU
2008- 2010 Business plan and rehabilitation of Fishery Centre Commewijne Ministry of LVV/Neth Gov’t
2008- ongoing Supervision on the construction of river shore protection and dikes along the Suriname River (5.5 km) and Commewijne River (2.9 km). Ministry of PW/ PLOS/Neth. Gov’t
2008- 2009 Feasibility Study of the Wanica Water Supply System SWM/Islamic Dev Bank
2008-2009 Pilot Water board Reeberg Ministry of LVV/Neth Gov’t
2008- 2010 Technical Assistance for Suriname Sustainable Tourism Capacity Building Programme (EU funded) Ministry PLOS/ TCT/EU
2008- ongoing Preparatory works, design and tender documents of drainage works and civil structures for Nine pumping stations (Phase II) project in Paramaribo and other districts Ministry of PW/India Credit
2007-2010 Preparation of design, Technical specifications and assistance during executions of infrastructure works for housing plan Roda in design-building contract with Project Developer Sekrepatu developer
2007-2010 Preparation of Design, Tender documents and construction supervision of works for improvement of the Drainage of the area Cocobia. Ministry of PW
2005-2009 IaDB Project: Decentralisation and local Government Strengthening Program I (DLGP I): Design and construction supervision of reconditioning and maintenance of secondary and tertiary roads in five Districts in Suriname. Ministry of RO/IaDB


2005-2006 Design of drainage and road construction for Tourtonnelaan Road Authority
2005 Preparation of Design, Tender documents and construction supervision of works in connection with improvement of the Drainage of the area Ephraimzegen. Ministry of PW
2005-2006 Community Development Fund Suriname (IaDB funded): Design and cost estimates for several small water supply systems in the Interior of Suriname CDFS/ Ministry of RO/IaDB
2005-2006 Design, cost estimates and tender documents for the Lust and Rust Water Supply System  
2005 Preparation of Design and Tender documents for works in connection with improvements of the drainage of the Overeemkanaal and Domineekreek basin. Ministry of PW
2004 Supervision of the construction of a Jetty of Integra Marine at La Vigilantia Integra Marine
2004 Preparation of Design and Tender Documents for Works in connection with improvement of the Drainage of the Sommelsdijcksche Creek Drainage Basin Ministry of PW
2003 Supervision of the construction of sluice gate for plantation Mon Tresor, Commewijne. Ministry of PW
2003-2008 Design, Tender Document and Construction Supervision of Improvement of the Irrigation and Drainage system of Sawmill Creek Polder in Nickerie. Ministry of LVV/ Neth. Gov’t
Improvements of the Drainage of the Sommelsdijcksche kreek Drainage Basin Ministry of PW
Suriname Transport Sector Policy Study with GOPA Consultant/Germany Ministry of TCT/EU
Review of Design and Tender Documents, Preparation and Construction Supervision of the Road to the Ferry Terminal Suriname-Guyana. (Roughton International/England (UK)) Ministry of PLOS/EU
Design of an Alternative Drainage System for the Lelydorp III Mine, Billiton Mij. Suriname Billiton Maatschappij Suriname
Design of Road from Belwaarde to New Amsterdam, District Commewijne (4,5 km)
Ministry of Public Works
Supervision Rehabilitation Program for Roads in 7 Districts, total 70 km mainly asphalt roads Ministry of Public Works
Study of maintenance of the East-West Connection Road Wageningen-Nw. Nickerie. Supervision of the stretch Henar – Nw. Nickerie Road Authorithy
Design of a Drainage System and a Sluice Gate for plantation Mon Tresor NV ABC
Design of Rice Polders N.V. Ramaut, (500 ha) District Saramacca. NV ABC
Investigation in connection with Discontinuation Sewage Treatment Plant Via Bella, Uitvlugt, Paramaribo Suralco
Study Irrigation and Drainage System, Design of Rice Polder, N.V. Bombay (2,000 ha) District Nickerie N.V. Bombay
Design of Rice Polder Stichting de Welvaart (2,000 ha) at Wageningen, District Nickerie I. Manglie